Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lemon Chocolate Frosting...

Dad got these cupcakes to go with tea for breakfast. To me the top looked barren. So I decided I am gonna make my quick lemon choccolate frosting.
Since it is a really tiny cupcake the ingredients are in baby qualities; you need

1 heaped tbl spoon of regular butter
2 tbl spoons of cocoa powder
2 tbl spoons of icing sugar (powdered sugar)

Mix all the ingredients together to form a thick paste. Its completely your choice to let whichever flavour strong stand out strongly, be in cocoa or sugar. If you like it dark, jus add some more of that cocoa or vice versa ;)
Now sqeeze out 3 drops of fresh lemon to get that zing in the after taste!
If you are comfortable with the icing sugar nozzles, feel free to go wild with the presentation or if you are in a hurry to eat it like I was, use the spoon to just smear the frosting generously, dust a little of the icing sugar...all over the top!!

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