At the department store today, I was looking for cartilage free fish fillet. Finally found fillets of 'Bass' sea fish. I picked up 250 gms. So, there I was in my kitchen, waiting to experiment!
250 gms of fish fillet, neatly diced into desired shapes
250 gms mushrooms
5-7 strands of spring onions
2 large onions
5-7 pods of garlic
1 of each green and red chilli
4 tbl spoons of soya sauce
In very low flame, slightly boil the fish for about 2 mins and then keep aside. Now add a dollop of butter and olive oil into a hot pan. Add the finely chopped onions and garlic to it. After they have browned, add the freshly chopped spring onions (seep in the aroma here!). Now throw in the sliced mushrooms and cover them for about 5 mins. Now we can pour in a little red wine and a dash of vinegar for the tinge, cover and simmer for a while.
In the meanwhile, we shall make a small portion of cornflour batter with water, small bits of red and green chilli, salt, vinegar and sprinkle of thin coriander. Now smear thin layer of the batter and lightly fry all sides of the boiled fish. We can keep adding the batter as we keep frying the fish!
Serving suggestions:
Use a plain coloured dish, place the fried tangy fish and squeeze some lime juice over the fizzing hot fish. Add the mushrooms beside it and sprinkle some parsley over it. Also, you could cut neat geometrical shapes of fresh bread and slice half a full boiled egg!
Have a jar of chilled lemon ice tea to go with it...voila...sunday brunch!
I want!!